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아소 다로 일본 총리 방한 (E)

아소 다로 일본 총리가 11일 한국을 방문했습니다. 이번 방문에서는 국제적 금융 위기에 대응한 한-일 간 경제 협력 강화가 주요 의제로 다뤄집니다.

아소 총리는 12일 이명박 한국 대통령과 정상회담을 가질 예정이며, 교착 상태에 빠진 북한 핵 문제에 관해서도 논의할 것으로 보입니다.

하지만 이번 회담에서는 독도 영유권 등 민감한 의제는 다루지 않을 전망입니다.

아소 총리의 이번 방한은, 지난해 7월 독도 영유권 문제로 침체됐던 한-일간 상호 방문 외교의 재개를 의미합니다.


Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso arrived in South Korea today (Sunday)for a visit aimed at building economic ties amid the global financial crisis.

The Japanese leader will meet with South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak Monday. The two are expected to discuss international efforts to end the North Korean nuclear standoff (, where several countries are working to get Pyongyang to end its nuclear program).

The two leaders are expected to avoid sensitive issues such as a long-running territorial dispute over four uninhabited islands in the Sea of Japan, which are administered by Seoul.

Mr. Aso's visit marks the resumption of shuttle diplomacy between the two Asian neighbors, which stagnated after the dispute over the islands (called Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japanese)flared up in July.

Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso arrived in South Korea today (Sunday) for a visit aimed at building economic ties amid the global financial crisis.

The Japanese leader will meet with South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak Monday. The two are expected to discuss international efforts to end the North Korean nuclear standoff (, where several countries are working to get Pyongyang to end its nuclear program).

The two leaders are expected to avoid sensitive issues such as a long-running territorial dispute over four uninhabited islands in the Sea of Japan, which are administered by Seoul.

Mr. Aso's visit marks the resumption of shuttle diplomacy between the two Asian neighbors, which stagnated after the dispute over the islands (called Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japanese) flared up in July.