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티벳 경찰, 폭탄 테러 혐의로 승려 16명 체포

티벳 경찰은 지난 4월에 발생한 폭탄 테러와 연관된 혐의로 불교 승려 16명을 체포하고, 다른 3명을 뒤좇고 있다고 중국의 국영 언론들이 보도했습니다.

중국 관영 신화통신은 5일 티벳 보안 당국자들의 말을 인용해 지난 달 자치지역인 망캄군 동부지역에서 승려들이 체포됐다고 전했습니다.

신화통신은 세 단체에 소속된 승려들이 변전소와 경찰서, 연료저장소, 가정집 등을 겨냥해 폭탄 테러를 시도했다며, 이 가운데 일부 폭탄은 터지지 않았으나 다른 폭탄들은 분명히 터졌다고 밝혔습니다.

사상자 발생 여부는 알려지지 않았습니다.


Chinese state media say police in Tibet have arrested 16 Buddhist monks and are seeking another three in connection with their alleged involvement in bomb attacks and plots in April.

A report by China's official Xinhua news agency today (Thursday) quotes security officials in Tibet who say the monks were arrested last month and that the cases all occurred in an eastern part of the autonomous region in Mangkam county.

The report says three separate groups of monks attempted to blow up an electricity substation, a police post, a fuel depot, and a private home. The report says some of the bombings failed, while others apparently succeeded. No injuries were reported.

A member of the Tibetan congress-in-exile, Kelsang Gyaltsen, tells VOA (Mandarin Service) that one of the suspects was actually arrested earlier for opposing a government-led "patriotic re-education campaign," adding that the accusations were trumped up charges.

The Chinese government began a re-education campaign after violent unrest in Lhasa in March spread to other surrounding Tibetan areas.