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미국, 파키스탄 국가비상사태 해제 계속 추진 (E)

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말리크 카윰 법무부장관은 19일, 10명의 대법관으로 구성된 대법원 재판부에서 주요한 5개 소송이 기각됐고, 하나의 소송은 계류중이며, 이에 대한 심리가 22일에 있을 예정이라고 말했습니다.

지난 10월에 의회에서 치뤄진 대통령선거 결과에 불복하고 있는 야당들은 국가비상사태하에서 무샤라프 대통령에 의해 구성된 대법원을 인정하지 않을 것이라고 밝혔습니다.

앞서 무샤라프 대통령은 연임에 성공할 경우, 군 사령관직에서 물러나겠다고 약속한 바 있습니다.

이에 앞서 관계자들은 무샤라프 대통령이 의회선거를 예정대로 내년 1월 8일에 실시한다고 확인했다고 말했지만, 그때까지 국가비상사태를 헤제할 것인지에 대해서는 언급하지 않았습니다.


A Supreme Court appointed by Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf has dismissed the majority of legal challenges against his re-election victory.

Attorney General Malik Qayyum told reporters today (Monday) the petitions were dropped based on a technicality. One remaining petition is to be heard later this week.

Opponents challenging General Musharraf's October re-election say they do not recognize the new court, which was reconstituted by the president after he imposed emergency rule.

General Musharraf has pledged to step down as army chief once his election victory is upheld by the court. On Sunday, the president said he would ask the electoral commission to hold parliamentary elections on January eighth but gave no date for lifting the state of emergency.

Meanwhile, journalists protested in the capital, Islamabad, today (Monday) against strict media curbs imposed as part of emergency rule. And students in Lahore held a rally to protest the jailing of cricket-star-turned-opposition politician, Imran Khan.

A spokesman for the sports star said he has begun a hunger strike to protest emergency rule. Khan's spokesman says he will remain on strike while in prison until Pakistan's judiciary is restored.

Iranian Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi is calling on Iran's government to respect U.N. Security Council demands for it to suspend sensitive nuclear work.

Ebadi told a news conference in Iran today (Monday) that she fears a war could break out over Iran's nuclear program. She urged Iranians to join an opposition campaign to pressure the government into softening its nuclear stance.

Ebadi says Iran has a right to nuclear energy, but adds that Iranians also have the right to live in peace.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has rarely faced strong public criticism of his nuclear policy from prominent Iranian figures. Ebadi is a human rights lawyer who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003.

Prominent Iranian dissident Ebrahim Yazdi told the news conference that he does not believe enriching uranium is vital to Iran's national security.