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태풍 '시마론' 필리핀 강타 - 최소 12명 사망 (Eng)

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필리핀 언론들은 이번 태풍으로 마닐라에서 북쪽으로 200킬로미터 떨어진 북부 루존 섬에서 나무들이 쓰러지고, 전선이 끊어져 광범위한 정전사태를 빚고 있다고 보도했습니다. 수천명의 주민들이 해안지대에서 고지대로 대피했습니다.

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Philippine authorities say the strongest typhoon to hit the country in years has killed at least 12 people on Luzon, the nation's main island.

Typhoon Cimaron hit Luzon late Sunday with winds of almost 200 kilometers an hour, qualifying the storm as a "super typhoon." The storm is now heading across the South China Sea toward Vietnam.

Philippine media say the typhoon uprooted trees, toppled power lines and caused widespread blackouts over northern Luzon, 200 or more kilometers north of Manila. Thousands of people evacuated coastal areas for higher ground.

Strong winds that swept away wooden houses in one village (in Luzon's Aurora province) killed a mother and her child. Flash floods, a road accident, landslides and fallen trees claimed at least 10 other lives. Many other people were injured in the storm.