요르단의 수도 암만에서 무장한 한 남자가 외국인 관광객들에게 총격을 가해 영국인 관광객 1명이 사망하고 최소한 6명이 부상했다고 요르단 관리들이 말했습니다.
총격은 암만 중심부에 위치한 잘 알려진 관광명소인 로만 야외극장 부근에서 4일 발생했으며 경찰은 총격을 가한 남자를 체포했습니다.
목격자들은 이 남자가 신은 위대하다는 뜻인 `알라후 악바르’를 외쳤다고 말했습니다.
Jordanian officials say a gunman has fired on foreign tourists in the capital, Amman, killing a British man and wounding six other people.
Authorities say the gunman was taken into custody after the shooting today (Monday) at the Roman Amphitheater, a popular tourist attraction.
Witnesses say the gunman was shouting "Allahu Akbar," or God is great.
Interior Minister Eid al-Fayez told reporters the shooting was a cowardly terrorist attack. He says the attack will be treated as an act of terrorism unless the gunman is found to be mentally unstable.
Jordan was the scene of triple suicide bombings at hotels in Amman in November. Those attacks, which killed 60 people, were claimed by al-Qaida in Iraq.