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유엔은 이스라엘 공격으로 가자 지구내 인도주의 위기 사태가 증대되고 있을 뿐만 아니라 팔레스타인 사상자 수도 늘어나고 있다고 말하면서 이스라엘을 신랄히 비난했습니다. 그러나 이스라엘은 가자 지구에 식량과 연료, 의약품이 공급될 수 있도록 허용하고 있다고 말하면서 유엔의 그 같은 비난을 일축했습니다.
이스라엘 관계관들은 이번 군사 작전에서 사망한 팔레스타인인 대부분은 무장 과격분자들이었으며 이스라엘은 민간인 사상자가 발생하지 않도록 하기 위해 모든 노력을 기울이고 있다고 말했습니다.
Israel has launched more air strikes against targets in the Gaza Strip. About 50 Palestinians, mostly militants, and an Israeli soldier have been killed in the offensive, which is in its 12th day. As Robert Berger reports from VOA's Jerusalem bureau, Israel has brushed off a Palestinian cease-fire offer and international criticism.
Israel's Cabinet decided to press on with the offensive in Gaza, until Palestinian militants halt rocket attacks and release a soldier kidnapped two weeks ago.
Israel has rejected a cease-fire offer from the Palestinian government, led by the Islamic militant group Hamas. The offer did not include the release of the captive soldier, and Hamas says he will not be freed, until Israel agrees to release Palestinian prisoners. Israeli Defense Ministry official David Hacham says that is unacceptable.
"The Israeli position is very cut and clear. We are not going to negotiate, to make any kind of any discussions with any of the Palestinian organizations, movements, which were behind the kidnap of the Israeli soldier."
Stepping up the pressure on Hamas, Israeli aircraft attacked Palestinian targets across Gaza. The army said a key bridge was destroyed to prevent militants from transporting rockets to launch sites. Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad urged Israel to accept the cease-fire offer and negotiate a prisoner exchange.
"Also, Israel is interested to bring the soldier alive. And they know very well that by military escalation they will not achieve their goal."
The United Nations harshly criticized Israel, saying its offensive was causing a growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as well as death and injury to Palestinian civilians.
Israel rejects the criticism, saying it is allowing food, fuel, and medical supplies into Gaza. Israeli officials say most of the Palestinians killed in the operation were armed militants, and that Israel is making every effort to avoid civilian casualties.