인도네시아의 욕야카르타 지역에 위치한 메리피산 화산 활동이 활발해지면서 폭발 위험이 높아지자 인도네시아 당국이 다시 주변지역에 최상위급 비상 경계령을 내렸습니다.
인도네시아 당국은 14일 메리피산에서 뜨거운 가스 연기가 증가하자 경계 수위를 다시 상향조정했다고 말했습니다. 인도네시아 당국은 앞서 13일 메리피산에 용암 분출량이 적어지는 등 화산 활동이 완화됐다며 경계 수위를 낮춘 바 있습니다.
Authorities in Indonesia have placed the Mount Merapi volcano on the highest alert level again, following a spike in activity.
Officials say the status was upgraded today (Wednesday) because of increasing hot clouds of gas. The alert status means that thousands of people living in the mandatory evacuation zone will have to leave the area again.
On Tuesday Indonesian officials lowered the alert status at the volcano on Java, saying the threat of a major eruption was reduced, following a partial collapse of the lava dome in Merapi's crater.
Indonesian authorities raised Merapi's danger status to the highest alert level May 13th after the volcano began venting steam and debris. Even during that alert period, however, many people living near the slopes of the volcano refused to leave the area.