베트남 참전 군인들과 관련자들, 피해자 권리운동가들이 베트남에서 고엽제 희생자들에 대한 국제 회의를 하고 있습니다.
28일의 회의에는, 미국과 한국, 호주, 베트남등 전세계에서 베트남 참전 군인들이 참가하고 있습니다. 베트남을 비롯한 여러 나라 고엽제 희생자들은 고엽제를 생산했던 미국의 화학 약품 회사로부터 보상금을 받기 위해 투쟁하고 있습니다.
베트남 전쟁 당시 미군은 공산군이 은폐용으로 이용하던 밀림들을 초토화하기 위해 약 8천만 리터의 고엽제를 살포했었습니다.
Vietnam War veterans and rights activists are gathered in Vietnam for an international conference on victims of the defoliant Agent Orange.
Participating in today's (Tuesday's) conference are Vietnam War veterans from countries including the United States, South Korea, Australia and Vietnam -- as well as the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange.
Agent Orange victims from Vietnam and elsewhere have been fighting for compensation from U.S. chemical companies that produced the defoliant.
Last year, a U.S. court dismissed a lawsuit against some of the companies for crimes against humanity, saying the suit had no basis in law. It also said the plaintiffs had failed to prove a clear link between Agent Orange and their illnesses.
The Vietnamese plaintiffs have filed an appeal.
U.S. forces sprayed about 80-million liters of herbicides during the Vietnam war to kill jungle foliage that communist forces were using as cover.