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뉴욕주 한 호반에서 소형 유람선 전복, 21명 익사 (영문기사 첨부)

미국 뉴욕주 북부의 한 호반에서 소형 유람선 전복 사고가 발생해 21명이 익사했습니다.

전장 12미터의 사고 선박에는 모두 50명의 승객이 타고 있었습니다.

승객들의 대부분은 뉴욕시 북부 관광지인 조지 호를 관광하던 노인들이었으며, 사망자들가운데는 미시간주에서 온 관광 단체의 일행중 3명도 포함되어 있습니다.


Twenty-one people drowned in a lake in northern New York State Sunday when a small cruise ship capsized.

The 12-meter-long vessel, a glass-enclosed boat popular with tourists, was carrying 50 passengers and crew when it overturned. Most of those on board were senior citizens (elderly people) visiting Lake George, a scenic area more than 300 kilometers north of New York City.

Among those who died were three members of a tour group of 14 people from (the U.S. midwestern state of) Michigan.

A local law enforcement official says the tourist boat may have flipped over when it encountered the strong wake left by a larger vessel. He also says the accident happened so quickly that no passengers were able to use life-preserver vests.