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필리핀 강도 사건진압 중 17명 사망 (E)

필리핀 수도 마닐라에서 경찰이 강도범들을 체포하던 중 17명이 사망했다고, 필리핀 경찰이 밝혔습니다.

경찰 관계자는 5일 강도들이 창고를 터는 현장에 경찰이 충돌했으며, 총격전이 벌어졌다고 말했습니다.

레오폴드 바토일 필리핀 경찰청장은 강도들이 M-16 소총과 수류탄으로 무장했었으며, 경찰의 추격을 발견하고 공격을 가해왔다고 말했습니다.

사망자 17명 중 최소한 10명은 범인들이며, 경찰 1명과 행인 4명도 숨졌습니다.


Philippine authorities say at least 17 people were killed when police clashed with suspected robbers in the capital, Manila.

Officials said a shoot-out took place late Friday as police were following a gang on their way to rob a warehouse in the suburb of Pananaque.

Police chief Leopoldo Bataoil said the gunmen, some armed with M-16 rifles fitted with grenade launchers, "went berserk (crazy)" when they discovered they were being followed, and started firing wildly.

Among the dead were at least 10 members of the gang, a police officer and four bystanders. Bataoil said a young girl was among the civilian victims.

The chief said he has ordered an investigation into the incident.