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미군 공격으로 바그다드서 민병대 15명 사망 (E)

이라크 바그다드에서 민병대원 15 명이 미군의 공격을 받아 사망했다고 미군 당국이 밝혔습니다.

사망한 민병대원 가운데 6명은 박격포를 발사하다 미군에 발견돼 사살됐습니다.

미군 당국은 또 바그다드의 사드르 시에서 로케트를 수송하던 차량에 미사일을 발사했으나, 공격 당시 민간인은 없었다고 밝혔습니다. AP 통신은 그러나 미군 공격 과정에서 적어도 8명의 민간인이 사망했다고 전했습니다.


The U.S. military says 15 militants were killed in Baghdad Tuesday in a series of strikes.

In the deadliest incident, soldiers tracked down a group of militants launching rocket propelled grenade attacks and killed six.

The U.S. military also said it fired missiles at a car being used to transport rockets in the Sadr City district of Baghdad, but it denied there were any civilians in the area.

The Associated Press reports at least eight civilians died in the attack.

Separately, one Iraqi soldier died and four others were wounded in (the northern Iraqi city of) Mosul, when a bomb attached to a vehicle blew up near the city's Provincial Hall.

In Diyala province, a female suicide bomber blew herself up near a police station, killing at least six people and wounding 12 others.