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유럽연합 집행위원 쿠바 방문 (E)

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지난 2003년 쿠바당국이 75명의 반체제 인사들을 체포한 뒤 유럽연합과 쿠바의 관계가 악화됐습니다. 유럽연합은 그러나 지난달 피델 카스트로 쿠바 국가평의회장이 의장직에서 물러나겠다고 발표하자, 쿠바와의 대화를 시작할 용의가 있다고 밝혔습니다.


The European Union's development commissioner has arrived in Cuba for a visit aimed at improving ties between the EU and the island state.

In a statement ahead of his trip, Louis Michel said he would work to establishing an open dialogue on human rights, as a precursor to normalizing relations. He praised Cuba's recent decision to sign two United Nations accords on human rights.

Relations between Cuba and the EU have been strained since 2003, when Cuban authorities arrested 75 dissidents.

After the announcement of Cuban President Fidel Castro's retirement last month, the EU said it was willing to engage in dialogue with Cuba .