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키프러스, 니코시아에서 그리스계가 주도하는 정부에 따르면, 지금까지의 자료들은 남쪽의 이집트와 동쪽의 레바논으로 갈라지는 키프러스 수역에 석유와 가스가 부존돼 있음을 보여주고 있습니다. 키프러스 정부는 석유탐사를 위해 11개 광구를 개방하기로 하고, 지난 2월부터 이 해역의 개발권 입찰 신청을 받기 시작했습니다. 입찰 신청은 지난 8월 16일에 마감됐으며, 금년말까지 최종 입찰자를 선정할 계획입니다.

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그러나 분단되어있는 키프러스 정부가 석유개발을 강행할 경우, 이 지역에서 긴장이 고조될 것으로 보입니다. 키프러스 북부, 터키령의 키프러스 인들은 이같은 정부의 움직임에 강력히 반대하며, 앞으로 발견되는 어떤 석유 자원도 양측모두에 귀속되어야 한다고 주장하고 있습니다.

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키프러스의 안토니스 미카엘리데스 상무장관은 키프러스 정부는 자국의 입장이 법에 근거하고 있기 때문에 터키의 위협에 굴복하지 않을 것이라고 밝혔습니다.

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그리스계 키프러스 정부의 움직임에 대응해 터키의 국영 터키 석유회사가 키프러스 북부 해상의 지중해 동부에서의 석유 가스 개발 입찰에 응찰했습니다.

런던의 킹스턴대학교의 제임스 케르 린제이 교수 등 많은 분석가들은 키프러스 문제를 둘러싸고 이미 냉담해진 양측의 관계가 이 문제로 더욱 냉각될 것으로 전망하고 있습니다.

린제이 교수는 터키계 키프러스 인들과 터키로부터 계속 수사적 발언이 나오고 있는 가운데, 양측은 석유개발은 공유되어야 한다는 입장이라고 말합니다. 린제이 교수는 터키계 키프러스 인들은 키프러스공화국의 동반자로서, 그리고 키프러스 섬의 공동 소유주로서 이번 석유개발에 참여할 권리가 있다는 점을 밝히고 있다며, 이것이 그동안 냉냉해진 두 나라간의 관계를 더욱 얼어붙게 만들고 있다고 지적했습니다.

키프러스는 2004년에 유럽연합에 가입했지만, 1974년 그 당시 집권하고 있던 그리스의 군사정부가 후원하는 키프러스에서 쿠데타가 발생하자 터키군이 침공하면서 분리됐습니다. 터키계의 북부의 자칭 키프러스공화국은 터키정부로 부터만 승인받고 있습니다.

유엔의 지지를 받는 키프러스 통일에 관한 국민투표안은 키프러스남부의 그리스계의회에서 부결됐지만, 북부의 터키계들에 의해서는 승인되면서 키프러스를 재 통일하기 위한 노력은 3년동안 교착상태에 빠져 있습니다.


Cyprus appears headed for a showdown with Turkey over Nicosia's plans to begin oil and gas exploration in the east Mediterranean. Nathan Morley reports for VOA from Nicosia that Cyprus wants to issue exploration permits for 60,000 square kilometers of seabed near the island later this year.

According to the Greek-led government of Cyprus, in Nicosia, early data indicates there are oil and gas deposits in a sea area separating the island from Egypt to its south and Lebanon to its east. The government proposes opening 11 areas for exploration, and it launched a bidding process in February for exploration rights to the area. Bids have to be filed by August 16, with permits being issued by the end of this year.

Cyprus Foreign Minister Kozakou Marcoullis says there is interest from international companies in her government's tender.

"We would be very glad even if we had four or five or six interested companies, this is just the beginning," Marcoullis said. "Defiantly there is oil, otherwise we would not have gone through this whole procedure. I think this is why there is already a lot of interest from a number of countries and companies that will be participating with this tender."

But tensions in the region could intensify if the government of the divided island proceeds with plans to drill. Breakway Turkish Cypriots in northern Cyprus have strongly objected to the move and say that any natural reserves discovered belong to both sides.

Ankara has also stepped up its campaign to halt the process with a direct appeal to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Cyprus Commerce Minister Antonis Michaelides says the Nicosia government will not give in to Turkey's threats because its position is grounded in law.

He says there is a difference between a threat and its implementation, which would violate the sovereign rights of a country.

Responding to the Greek-Cypriot move, the state-owned Turkish Petroleum Company has invited bids for oil and natural gas exploration in the eastern Mediterranean, off the northern coast of Cyprus.

Many analysts, including James Kerr Lindsay from Kingston University in London, predict a cooling of the already frosty relations between the two communities on Cyprus.

"We have seen a continued ramping up of the rhetoric from the Turkish Cypriots and Turkey, both of which are arguing that in one way or another they should both have some sort of take on this," he said. "Obviously the Turkish Cypriots are making the case that as partners in the Republic of Cyprus, as co-owners, if you like, of the island of Cyprus; they have a right to these reserves. There has been a cooling down in relations, and this really does pose the threat of turning relations extremely frosty."

The Greek-Cypriot administration signed agreements with Egypt in 2005 and Lebanon in early January this year delineating their sea boundaries in the eastern Mediterranean to facilitate future underwater oil and gas exploration.

Foreign Minister Marcoullis also pointed out that what he called Turkey's posturing would not help its efforts to join the European Union.

"This behavior of course is not very much compatible with the behavior of a candidate country for accession to the European Union," he said. "Probably they have not realized that the European Union consists of 27 member states, which is a problem."

Cyprus joined the European Union in 2004, but has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded the island in response to a coup in Nicosia backed by the Greek military government then in power in Athens. The self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is only recognized by Turkey.

Attempts to re-unite the island have been at a standstill for three years, since a U.N.-backed unification referendum was rejected by Greek Cypriots in the south, but accepted by Turkish Cypriots in the north.