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태국 시위자 5천명, 경찰과 충돌 (E)

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Close to five-thousand anti-coup protesters clashed with police in Thailand's capital of Bangkok today (Sunday).

Police say the protesters were demonstrating outside the home of the king's (King Bhumibol Adulyadej) top advisor, Prem Tinasulanond. Thai television showed protesters throwing rocks and bottles at police, as officers tried to disperse the crowd.

The protesters, who are mainly supporters of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, accuse Tinasulanond of master-minding the coup that ousted Mr. Thaksin last September.

Military leaders took over the Thai government laset year while Mr. Thaksin was out of the country, accusing him of corruption and abuse of power.

Thailand's coup leader says general elections will be held later this year, as promised.

Mr. Thaksin's political party, Thai Rak Thai, has been disbanded, and he is forbidden from participating in the elections.