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미군, 이란제 무기 사용하는 테러요원 4명 구금

미군은 27일 이라크 주둔 연합군이 정교한 이란제 무기를 사용하는 테러조직 요원4명을 구금했다고 밝혔습니다.

미군은 이들 4명의 테러조직 요원들이 이날 바그다드의 사드르시 인근지역에서 체포됐다고 말했습니다.

미군은 이 테러조직이 각종 무기와 장갑을 관통할 수 있는 정교한 도로변폭탄을 이라크내로 들여온 것으로 알려지고 있다고 말했습니다.

앞서 미군은 안바르주에서 전개된 전투작전 중 3명의 미 해병대원이 전사했다고 28일 밝혔습니다.

한편 연합군이 모슬과 바그다드, 라마디와 살만 파크 인근지역에서 9명의 테러 용의자들을 체포했다고 미군이 말했습니다.


The U.S. military says coalition forces in Iraq have detained four people allegedly part of a terror cell that uses sophisticated weaponry from Iran.

The military says the four were picked up today (Friday) in Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood.

The military says the terror cell in question is known for helping smuggle from Iran into Iraq weapons and sophisticated roadside bombs that can penetrate armor (known as explosively formed penetrators or EFP's).

Earlier, the U.S. military announced three Marines were killed in combat operations Thursday in Anbar province. Further details were not provided.

Separately, the military said coalition forces detained nine suspected terrorists in Mosul, Baghdad, and near Ramadi and Salman Pak.

In other news, an active duty U.S. Army officer said the United States faces possible defeat in Iraq and he blamed that prospect on American generals.

Lieutenant Colonel Paul Yingling's comments came in an opinion column in today's Armed Forces Journal - a publication of The Army Times company. The lieutenant colonel said generals underestimated the strength of the enemy and overestimated the capabilities of Iraqi forces.