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미국, 팔레스타인 치안강화에 6천만달러 지원 (Eng)

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The U.S. State Department says the United States will provide about 60 million dollars in aid mostly to strengthen the security forces of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

State Department officials say the decision to provide the aid was made after members of Congress dropped their objections to the deal.

The officials say 43 million dollars will go to Mr. Abbas's Presidential Guard. The money also will be used to improve security at the Karney Crossing, the main commercial gateway between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

Media reports say the aid package was designed so the money will not fall into terrorists' hands.

The Bush administration originally requested 86 million dollars from Congress to help train Mr. Abbas's security forces.

But some U.S. lawmakers blocked the funding out of fear it could reach Hamas, which the United States considers a terrorist group.

Meanwhile, Mr. Abbas says he will meet next week with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, following a recent pledge by the two leaders to hold talks every two weeks.