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미-브라질, 세계무역회담 재개 협력 (Eng)

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The presidents of the United States and Brazil have vowed to cooperate on re-starting world trade talks, saying the world cannot work together if the United States and Brazil cannot work together.

The heads of two of the largest nations in the Americas met today (Friday) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, hours after their foreign ministers signed an accord to expand production of sugar cane-based ethanol fuel in Central America and the Caribbean.

President Bush said the two leaders discussed that issue, as well as the world trade talks. He said trade is the best anti-poverty program.

The Brazilian president, Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, said today he told Mr. Bush he is willing to participate in a meeting in any part of the world to help overcome the deadlock over the world trade talks (known as the Doha round). He said he is convinced that the deadlock can be resolved.

The White House says the reason for Mr. Bush's six-day visit to Latin America is goodwill - to highlight the fight against poverty in the region. But critics say the trip is more likely meant to counter the growing influence of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a vehement critic of the Bush administration.