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프라드코프 총리는 27일 고노 요헤이 중의원 의장과 회담하기에 앞서 아키히토 일본 왕을 예방할 예정입니다.

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석유와 가스를 전적으로 수입에 의존하고 있는 일본은 지난해 12월 러시아의 국영 가스회사인 ‘가즈프롬’이 과반수 이상의 지분을 확보한 ‘사할린 2 계획’의 주요 시장이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.

일본의 대기업인 미츠비시와 밋츠시는 이 사업계획의 일부 지분을 소유하고 있습니다.


Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov has begun a two-day visit to Japan for talks expected to focus on
energy issues.

The officials may discuss the possibility of a deal for Russia to enrich uranium used in Japanese nuclear
reactors. Japanese purchases of Russian oil and gas will also be on the agenda.

Mr. Fradkov is to pay a courtesy call on Emperor Akihito today (Tuesday), before talks with the speaker of
Japan's lower house, Yohei Kono.

On Wednesday, the Russian leader is scheduled to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and
participate in a forum with Japanese business leaders.

Japan is almost entirely dependent on imports for its oil and gas needs. It is expected to be a main market for
the massive Sakhalin-two gas field project, in which Russia's state-run natural gas firm, Gazprom, took
majority control in December.

Japanese conglomerates Mitsubishi and Mitsui are minority shareholders of the venture.