연결 가능 링크

中-日, 양국 관계 개선키로 다짐 (eng)

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China's state media say top Chinese and Japanese officials have concluded three-days of talks in an effort to establish a new era of cooperation, following years of strained relations.

The Xinhua news agency reports today (Sunday) Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo and Japanese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Shotaro Yachi ended the seventh round of what is called a "strategic dialogue" Saturday with a pledge to build "mutually beneficial ties."

The talks began Thursday in Beijing and concluded in the eastern city of Hangzhou.

Dai said the dialogue has helped to remove political obstacles between the countries.

Beijing's relationship with Tokyo has suffered because of former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's annual visits to a controversial war shrine. Territorial disputes also have strained Chinese-Japanese relations.