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이집트경찰, 무슬림형제단 단원 6명 추가 구속 (eng)

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Egyptian officials say they have arrested six more members of the banned but tolerated Muslim Brotherhood.

The officials say the arrests took place in separate raids across the country.

They say the men were arrested for belonging to a banned organization. The Brotherhood says one of those arrested (Mohammed Ali Bishr) is a member of the group's top decision-making body.

Since December, the government has stepped up a campaign of arrests against the Brotherhood, the country's largest opposition movement. In 2005, the Brotherhood, running candidates as independents, won a fifth of the seats in Egypt's parliament.

Last week, Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak called the Brotherhood a threat to Egypt's security because it aims to establish an Islamic state.

In other news, Al Jazeera television says Egyptian authorities have detained a producer (Huwayda Taha) for the network. The network says her arrest is related to a documentary she was preparing on allegations of torture by Egyptian police.