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한국, 보잉사로부터 항공기 25대 구매 예정 (Eng)

한국의 대한항공은 미국의 항공기 제조회사인 보잉사로부터 항공기 스물다섯대를 55억 달러에 구매할 예정입니다.

대한항공은 21일 보잉사와 이같은 계약을 체결했다고 밝히고 이에 따라 세계 항공기 시장을 선도해 나가게될 것이라고 말했습니다.

대한항공은 오는 2009년부터 2019년까지 10년동안 여객기 열다섯대와 화물수송기 열대를 접수하게 됩니다.


The United States' chief negotiator for the six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear program says the talks are likely to restart next month.

Following two days of talks in Beijing with China's Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said today (Tuesday) that he believes the six-party meetings will resume in mid-December.

Hill was dispatched to Beijing by President Bush following an economic summit in Vietnam, where Pacific Rim leaders urged North Korea to resume disarmament talks.

North Korea agreed last month to return to the talks following an underground nuclear test, but no date has been set.

The six-party talks include North and South Korea, China, the United States, Japan and Russia.