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후진타오 주석, 다르푸르 사태 해결 촉구 (Eng)

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Chinese President Hu Jintao is urging Sudan to seek a solution to the crisis in war-torn Darfur.

Mr. Hu voiced both hope and concerns during a meeting with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in Beijing today (Thursday).

Mr. Hu said he understands Sudan's reasons for rejecting a United Nations proposal to send peacekeeping forces to Darfur.

But he said the situation in Darfur has reached a "critical stage," and urged Sudan to work with all sides to resolve the crisis.

The United Nations recently approved a decision to send 20-thousand peacekeepers into Darfur. But Sudan has rejected the offer, which it likens to coloniziation.

Mr. Bashir is one of 40 African leaders who are in Beijing to attend a three-day China-Africa forum that starts Friday.