연결 가능 링크

네팔 정부 - 반군, 평화과정 살리기위해 병력과 무기제한 합의 (영문첨부)

네팔 정부와 공산 마오쩌뚱주의 반군은 현재 교착상태에 빠져있는 평화과정을 되살리기위해 병사들과 무기를 제한하기로 합의했습니다.

기르지야 프라사드 코이라라 총리는 9일 반군 지도자 프라탄다와 부관 바부람 바타라이와의 회담에서 이같이 합의했습니다.

양측이 9일 합의한데 따르면, 내년 개헌의회 선거기간 동안 코이라라 총리는 병사들이 병영밖으로 나가지 못하도록 막는 한편, 반군 역시 병사들의 외출을 금지하고 무기를 통제하기로 했습니다.


Nepal's government and Maoist rebels have agreed to restrictions on fighters and weapons in a deal that will allow the resumption of a peace process that had stalled.

The agreement came during a meeting in Kathmandu today (Wednesday) between Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala and rebel leader Prachanda (EDS: ONE NAME).

The government had wanted the rebels to disarm before next year's constituent assembly elections, a proposal opposed by Prachanda.

Under the agreement reached Wednesday, Mr. Koirala agreed to restrict troops to their barracks and Maoist rebels agreed to confine their fighters and weapons before and during the polls. They also agreed to place their fighters under U.N. supervision.

The agreement came as a special committee finalized a draft constitution that would allow Maoist rebels to be included in the government. A permanent new constitution will be written by an elected constituent assembly.