한국과 미국간 쇠고기 협상이 타결됐습니다. 한국은 2년동안의 미국산 쇠고기 금수조치를 해제하고, 제한적으로 수입을 재개하는데 동의했습니다. 한국은 2년전, 광우병에 대한 우려가 확산됨에 따라, 미국산 쇠고기의 수입을 금지한 바 있습니다.
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살코기라도 광우병의 위험부위와 가까운 안창살, 또 내장 등 각종 부산물과 소시지 등의 육가공품은 수입대상에서 제외된다는 것입니다.
한국 농림부의 자문위원회는, 미국산 쇠고기가 안전하지 못하다고 선언할 만한 결정적인 근거가 없다면서, 장래 전면적인 개방이 가능할지 모른다고 말했습니다.
한국은 지난 2003년 12월, 미국에서 ‘우 해면 양뇌증’, 즉 광우병에 걸린 소가 발견되자, 미국산 쇠고기의 수입을 중단했었습니다. 광우병에 걸린 문제의 소는 캐나다에서 미국으로 수입된 소였습니다.
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INTRO: South Korean negotiators have agreed to begin importing U.S. beef on a limited basis again, following a two-year ban. South Korea imposed the ban due to fear of mad cow disease, and as VOA's Kurt Achin reports from Seoul, that fear continues to stand in the way of a full resumption of imports.
TEXT: South Korean agriculture officials say they are ready to make U.S. beef available to consumers here once again - but with limitations.
Kim Chang-seob is director of the Livestock Bureau at the Ministry of Agriculture in Seoul.
Kim says South Korea will partially lift the ban by resuming imports of products from cattle less than 30 months old, excluding ribs and other parts that include bone.
An advisory panel of the South Korean Agriculture Ministry says there are no decisive grounds to declare U.S. beef unsafe for consumption - and it says a full resumption of imports may be possible in the future.
South Korea banned U.S. beef imports in December 2003, after the United States announced its first case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy - more commonly known as "mad cow" disease. The infected animal had been imported into the United States from Canada.
Mad cow disease has been linked to a potentially fatal, brain-wasting condition in humans called variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease.
Friday's announcement may start to put South Korea back on track to becoming the world's third-largest export market for U.S. beef, as it was at the time the ban was imposed. The country imported 880 million dollars worth of U.S. beef in 2003.
Japan, previously the world's largest importer of U.S. beef, partially lifted its own ban last month. Tokyo, however, limited imports to cattle under 20 months of age. (Signed)