11일의 칠레 대통령 선거에서는 과반수 득표자가 없어 사회당 소속 미셸 바체렛 후보와 보수파인 조킨 라빈씨가 다음달 결선투표에 출마하게 됐습니다.
소아과 의사 출신으로 국방장관을 역임한 바체렛씨는 11일 투표에서 46%로 최고 득표를 했으며, 25%의 득표를 한 백만장자 세바스티안 피네라씨가 2위를 차지했습니다.
여론조사 결과 바체렛씨는 1월15일 치러지는 결선투표에서 당선돼 칠레의 첫 여성 대통령이 될 가능성이 큰 것으로 나타났습니다.
Voters in Chile will decide between a Socialist single mother and a conservative businessman in next month's presidential runoff election after no candidate won a majority of votes on Sunday.
Michelle Bachelet won nearly 46 percent in Sunday's voting. The pediatrician and former defense minister will face multi-millionaire Sebastian Pinera, who came in a distant second with 25 percent of the vote (with nearly all the votes counted). Conservative Joquin Lavin, who finished third with 23 percent, says he will back Mr. Pinera in the runoff.
Ms. Bachelet could draw support from voters who cast their ballots for communist Tomas Hirsch, who came in fourth place with five percent of the vote. Opinion polls suggest Ms. Bachelet will win the January 15th runoff to become Chile's first female president.