일본은 알베르토 후지모리 전 페루 대통령 문제로 빚어진 분쟁으로 페루가 주일 대사를 소환하기로 했다는 공식 통보를 접수했다고 말했습니다.
일본 외무성 대변인은 15일 기자들에게 페루 정부가 대사를 소환하겠다는 뜻을 확인했다고 밝혔습니다. 그러나 대변인은 외교 분쟁이 양국간의 외교관계 단절로까지 확대되지는 않을 것이라고 덧붙였습니다.
페루의 대사 소환 결정은 칠레 주재 일본 영사관 관리가 현재 구금중인 후지모리 씨를 방문한 뒤에 나왔습니다. 페루 정부는 이 같은 움직임이 후지모리 씨의 신병 인도절차에 대한 일본의 간섭으로 간주하고 있습니다.
Japan says it has received formal notification that Peru has withdrawn its ambassador to Tokyo in a dispute over former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori.
A Japanese foreign ministry spokesman told reporters Peru has confirmed its ambassador's departure. But he added Tokyo is confident the conflict will not escalate to a full severance of diplomatic ties.
Mr. Fujimori fled to Japan, his ancestral home, five years ago, after he resigned the Peruvian presidency in the midst of a corruption scandal. He was arrested when he traveled to Chile last week, where he remains in custody. If returned to Peru, he faces charges of corruption and of authorizing death squads.
Peru's decision to withdraw its ambassador comes after a Japanese consular official in Chile visited Mr. Fujimori following his detention. Lima views the move as Japanese interference in Mr. Fujimori's extradition process, but Tokyo insists it is not treating the former president differently than any other of its nationals.