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Chinese President Hu Jintao is in Germany at the start of a four-day visit focusing on expanding economic links between the two countries
German President Horst Koehler greeted Mr. Hu with military honors as he arrived at Berlin's Charlottenburg Palace. Several groups of demonstrators gathered nearby protesting China's human rights and Tibetan policies
Mr. Hu is expected to meet with outgoing Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and his designated successor, Angela Merkel and with German business leaders.
Mr. Hu stopped in Germany after a state visit to Britain. He travels to Spain and South Korea before returning home.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for Prime Minister-designate Merkel's Christian Democratic Party says the country's new grand coalition government will not press strongly for an end to the European Union's 16-year arms embargo against China. The embargo was a response to China's crackdown of pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square.