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이 기관은 27일 공개한 보고서를 통해 유엔 석유 식량 프로그램에 참여한 기업가운데 절반 가량이 총 18억 달러를 사담 후세인 정부에 지불했다고 밝혔습니다.
이라크에 환불과 불법 대금을 상납한 기업가운데는 세계적인 자동차 회사인 볼보와 다임러 크라이슬러가 포함돼 있습니다.
조사 위원회의 이번 최신 보고서는 유엔 석유 식량 프로그램의 만연된 부패상을 보여주고 있습니다.
An independent panel says former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and his government received substantial bribes from more than two thousand companies as part of the United Nations oil-for-food program.
The U.N.-backed investigation released a report today (Thursday) saying about half of the companies in the oil-for-food program paid a total of one-point-eight billion dollars to Saddam's government. Among the companies that paid kickbacks or illegal surcharges are Volvo and DaimlerChrysler.
The findings appeared Thursday in the panel's latest report into widely acknowledged mismanagement of the program.
Switzerland later said it has launched criminal proceedings against four people in connection with the oil-for-food scandal. No names were given.
Under the U.N. plan, which ran from 1996 to 2003, Iraq was allowed to sell oil in order to buy humanitarian goods and soften the impact of sanctions against Baghdad on ordinary Iraqis.
Earlier this year, the U.N. panel accused former oil-for-food coordinator Benon Sevan of corruption in the program, a charge Mr. Sevan has denied.