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일본 위안부 피해자, 일본에 사과배상요구 청원서 제출 (영문기사 첨부)

제2차 세계 대전중 일본 제국군에 매춘을 강요당했던 4명의 전 종군 위안부 출신 한국 할머니들이 일본의 사과와 배상을 요구하는 청원서를 일본 정부에 제출했습니다.

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일본의 제 2차 세계 대전 항복 선언 60주년을 이틀 앞두고 제출된 이 청원서는 일본정부의 공식 사과와 추가 배상을 요구하고 있습니다. *


South Korean women who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese army during World War Two have submitted a petition to Tokyo, demanding an apology and compensation from Japan.

Four elderly South Korean women presented Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's representative with a petition today (Friday) signed by more than a half-million people from around the world.

The petition, presented two days before the 60th anniversary of Japan's surrender, demands that Tokyo issue an official apology and more compensation.

Japan has apologized to the women and set up a partly public fund for compensation, but critics say it has undercut apologies with comments by leading government figures playing down the issue.

The Asian Women's Fund, which has compensated more than 300 women from several countries, is set to be dissolved in 2007.