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유럽, 미국 자동차업계 지원에 관심 (E)

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European officials are taking a close look at how the United States is helping its ailing auto industry.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she wants to make sure aid to the U.S. auto industry will not put Europe's own auto companies at a competitive disadvantage.

Merkel's comments came at a news conference today(Tuesday in the northern Italian city of Trieste) with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Carmakers in both the U.S. and Europe have been asking for government help, with French automaker Peugeot (Europe's second largest car company)warning the global auto industry is in danger of a collapse.

Meanwhile, France wants to see a stronger international response to the global financial crisis.

In a statement released today, French President Nicolas Sarkozy says France will host a summit in January because world leaders must show they can offer "concrete solutions."

At a meeting of industrial and developing countries last week in Washington, leaders only managed to agree on a set of principles to prevent the global economy from getting worse.