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부시 '이란 핵 개발, 국제 평화에 위협' (E)

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U.S. President George Bush has again warned Iran that it faces international isolation unless it suspends its nuclear enrichment program.

Speaking in Slovenia at his final summit with European Union leaders, Mr. Bush said the United States and Europe must join forces to prevent Iran from developing nuclear arms. Summit leaders, in their communique, mentioned additional sanctions if Iran fails to respond.

The president thanked EU countries for their support in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also backed Turkey's efforts to gain EU membership

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, noted continued differences on such issues as climate change. But he confirmed the readiness of both sides to work together in dealing with the issue.

Mr. Bush said he believes an agreement on climate change can be reached before he leaves office in January.

The president then flew to Germany for talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel.