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AU 의장, 대선 후 정국 혼란 수습 위해 케냐 방문 (E)

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앞서 키바키 대통령은 7일 오딩가와의 회담을 제안했습니다. 오딩가 당수는 그러나 국제사회의 중재자가 없으면 그같은 회담을 갖지 않겠다고 밝혔습니다.

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Diplomatic efforts for Kenya are intensifying as the head of the African Union arrives in the country today (Tuesday) to try and break a political stalemate from disputed presidential elections last month.

Ghanaian President John Kufuor - the current head of the AU, will try to get Kenya's embattled President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga to meet and work toward ending the country's crisis.

On Monday, Mr. Kibaki invited Odinga for talks to work out their differences. Odinga has said he is not willing to hold such talks unless international negotiators are present.

Kenya's government says nearly 500 people died during post-election violence. And now, the country's finance minister estimates the chaos that followed the vote may have cost the economy more than 15 million dollars.