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미국-우루과이 정상회담 - 통상, 이민문제등 논의 (Eng)

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President Bush has discussed trade issues and immigration with Uruguayan President Tabare Vazquez on the second leg of Mr. Bush's five-nation Latin American tour.

The two leaders met today (Saturday) in the town of Colonia. Afterward, when they spoke to reporters, Mr. Vazquez said he reminded Mr. Bush of the thousands of Uruguayan citizens living in the United States in pursuit of a better life.

Mr. Bush said he wants the U.S. Congress to approve an immigration reform bill as soon as possible.
Mr. Bush added that the United States can neither grant automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants, nor can it just expel them from the country.

Mr. Bush said they also discussed trade issues. Mr. Vazquez has been pressing for Uruguayan merchants to have better access to U.S. markets to sell goods such as beef and textiles. Mr. Bush said he told the Uruguayan president he will seriously consider Uruguay's requests. He said the United States just wants to make sure there is also market access for its own products.