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일 의회, 방위성 승격 법안 가결 (Eng)

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아베 신조 일본 총리도 평화헌법 개정을 공약으로 내건 바 있습니다.


Japan's parliament has passed legislation to upgrade the country's defense agency into a full ministry.

The measure approved today (Friday) by Japan's upper house will transform the defense agency from an affiliate of the Cabinet Office to a policy-making ministry with a budget.

The legislation would also make overseas peacekeeping activities a regular part of the defense forces' activities along with defense and disaster relief at home.

The lower house approved the bill last November.

Japan's military is restricted to non-combat missions, as stipulated in the country's pacifist constitution. The constitution was shaped after World War Two. Conservatives say it is outdated.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has promised to work toward revising the constitution's "no war" clause.