연결 가능 링크

Right under one’s nose

안녕하세요 English with Yoo! 의 Jennifer Yoo입니다. English with Yoo! 는 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 다양한 표현들을 익히는 시간입니다.

I will give you a daily introduction to some meaningful and useful everyday English words and phrases! So let’s get started today!

Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Yoo with ENGLISH WITH YOO!

[오디오 듣기] Right under one’s nose
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오늘의 영어 표현은 Right under one’s nose입니다.

Today let’s talk about what “right under one’s nose” mean. Let’s find out by listening to this conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보시겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요!

Right under one’s nose
Mike: I caught you falling asleep during class so I tried to wake you up, but it didn’t work
Lin: Oh, did you? I shouldn’t have stayed up late last night
Mike: It happens, but I still can’t believe the professor didn’t even notice you were asleep even though you were right under his nose
Lin: Yikes! I’d better be sure that doesn’t happen again.

Mike가 Lin에게 “I caught you falling asleep during class so I tried to wake you up 너 수업시간에 조는 걸 봤어,그래서 깨웠는데 but it didn’t work 안 일어나더라” 라고 말을 건네네요. 그러자 Lin은 “Oh, did you? 정말? I shouldn’t have stayed up late last night. 어제 좀 일찍 잤어야 되는데”라고 대답하고 있어요. 이에 대해Mike는 “It happens, but I still can’t believe the professor didn’t even notice you were asleep. 근데 교수님이 네가 자고 있는걸 전혀 모르시더라고. Even though you were right under his nose 네가 교수님 바로 코 밑에 있었는데도 말이야” 라고 하네요. Lin은 깜짝 놀랐나봐요. “Yikes! 아이고! I’d better be sure that doesn’t happen again 이런 일이 다신 일어나지 않도록 해야겠어” 라고 이야기 하고 있어요.
Now let’s listen to a portion of today’s conversation.

Right under one’s nose
Mike: I caught you falling asleep during class so I tried to wake you up, but it didn’t work
Lin: Oh, did you? I shouldn’t have stayed up late last night
Mike: It happens, but I still can’t believe the professor didn’t even notice you were asleep even though you were right under his nose
Lin: Yikes! I’d better be sure that doesn’t happen again.

오늘의 영어 표현은 Right under one’s nose입니다. It means that it happens very close to you but you don’t notice it Right under one’s nose는 ‘바로 앞에 있는데도 찾지 못한다는 걸 말합니다. ‘등잔 밑이 어둡다’는 얘기죠. 가끔 아주 가까운 곳에서 일어나는 일도 알아차리지 못 할 때가 있습니다. 다른 사람들은 알아채는데, 오히려 가까이에 있는 자신은 알아채지 못하는 경운데요 그 때 사용할 수 있는 표현이 바로 Right under one’s nose입니다. 예를 들어, 친구가 바로 옆에 있는 역사책을 찾으며 “Where is my history book?”이라고 묻는다면, “It is right under your nose, silly 바보야, 바로 네 옆에 있잖아"라고 답해줄 수 있겠네요.

오늘의 영어 표현 ‘right under one’s nose’ 꼭 기억해두시고요. Now, let’s listen to today’s conversation for the last time.

Right under one’s nose
Mike: I caught you falling asleep during class so I tried to wake you up, but it didn’t work
Lin: Oh, did you? I shouldn’t have stayed up late last night
Mike: It happens, but I still can’t believe the professor didn’t even notice you were asleep even though you were right under his nose
Lin: Yikes! I’d better be sure that doesn’t happen again.

오늘의 영어 표현, ‘right under one’s nose 등잔 밑이 어둡다’ ‘right under one’s nose’ 꼭 기억해두세요!

지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO!에Jennifer Yoo 였습니다. Until next time, bye bye!

Let’s Learn English