Rice To Discuss Drugs, Terror, Reconstruction In Afghanistan - 2005-03-17

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is in Afghanistan today for talks on re-building the country as it battles a Taleban-led insurgency and a booming narcotics industry.

Ms. Rice is expected to meet President Hamid Karzai, Foreign Minister Abdullah (EDS: ONE NAME), and top American diplomats and military officials.

Ms. Rice has said she will discuss a range of issues, including efforts to strengthen the economy and fight terrorism. But, she said she will also touch on efforts to stem the growth in opium production (which the United Nations says grew about 64 percent last year).

Ms. Rice is on a six-nation tour that has already taken her to India and Pakistan. She will return to Pakistan late Thursday for talks with her Pakistani counterpart Khurshid Kasuri.

Her Asian tour also includes stops in Japan, South Korea and China.