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Politicians in (the central U.S. state of) Illinois are moving quickly to begin ouster proceedings for Governor Rod Blagojevich, who is accused of trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by President-elect Barack Obama.

The speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives has told state lawmakers to be ready for the possibility of a vote on the governor's impeachment during the coming week.

Blagojevich has defied calls from leaders of his own Democratic Party to step down and last week named a veteran African-American politician, Ronald Burris, to fill Mr. Obama's Senate seat.

State officials have refused to certify the governor's appointment, and U.S. Senate leaders have said they will not accept anyone named by Blagojevich.

U.S. senators are scheduled to convene in Washington for a new session on Tuesday.

An attorney for Burris sent a letter to Democratic leaders in the Senate urging them to accept his nomination and allow him to represent the citizens of Illinois.