이스라엘 8일째 공습…하마스 고위급 사망 (E)

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한편 미국은 즉각적인 휴전을 촉구하면서도, 가자 침공은 이스라엘의 선택에 있다는 입장을 밝혔습니다. 조지 부시 미국 대통령은 3일 주례 라디오 연설에서, 이번 폭력 사태와 관련해 하마스가 휴전협정을 어기고 이스라엘에 로켓을 발사한 점을 비난했습니다. 또 하마스의 무기 밀반입을 막기 위해 국제사회가 감시 체제를 마련할 것을 촉구했습니다.


Hamas officials say Israeli air strikes have killed a senior member of the group's military wing, the second top Hamas figure to die in the week-long offensive on the Gaza Strip.

Officials say Abu-Zakariya al-Jamal died today (Saturday) in the Al-Shuja'iyah neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

Another air strike killed Hamas cleric Nizar Rayyan on Thursday.

From Syria, Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal vowed revenge and warned Israel against a ground incursion. Thousands of Israeli troops and tanks are stationed along the Gaza border, awaiting orders for an invasion.

The United States is calling for a cease-fire but says it is up to Israel whether to invade Gaza.

In his weekly radio address today, U.S. President George Bush blamed Hamas for instigating the violence and called for international monitors to ensure the militants stop smuggling weapons into Gaza.