이명박 대통령 '새해 경제 살리기 매진' (E)

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South Korean President Lee Myung-bak says the country's slumping economy will be his top priority this year.

In a nationally televised New Year's address today (Friday), Mr. Lee said the government is pouring money into banks to make more cash available for lending and domestic consumption. He also promised the government would do more to help small businesses retain employees.

He said he would press ahead with plans to privatize and scale back state-owned enterprises.

The president also called on Koreans to unite in the face of the crisis.

South Korea's export-driven economy has been hit hard by the global economic slowdown, which has slashed demand for Korean cars, electronics, petrochemicals and other products.

The latest data show that the country's exports plunged by more than 15 percent in December.