이스라엘 지상군 가자 접경 집결 (E)

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가자 지구에서는 이스라엘의 최근 공습으로 최소한 4백 명이 사망하고 2천명이 부상을 입었습니다. 유엔에 따르면 사망자 중 ¼이 민간인 입니다. 이스라엘에서는 하마스의 로켓 공격으로 4명이 사망했습니다.

한편 유엔 안보리는 31일 휴전협정 결의안을 채택하자는 아랍연맹의 요구를 거부했습니다.


Israeli tanks and troops are massing near the Gaza border, as warplanes attack suspected Hamas targets in the Palestinian territory for a sixth day.

While Israeli officials debated today (Thursday) whether to send soldiers over the border, Israeli missiles fired from the air and sea destroyed Hamas government buildings, smuggling tunnels and rocket-launching sites.

The air strikes have killed at least 400 Palestinians and wounded nearly two-thousand more. The United Nations says about a quarter of the dead were civilians. Hamas rocket attacks have killed four Israelis since Saturday.

World leaders are concerned about the humanitarian situation in Gaza and are intensifying diplomatic efforts to end the violence.

But on Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council rejected an Arab proposal for a resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire.