아프간 폭탄 테러, 경찰관 3명 사망 (E)

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이 날 발생한 테러는 칸다하르 지방에서 발생한 두 번째 사고입니다. 앞서 13일 캐나다 당국자들은 차량 인근 길에서 폭탄이 터져 캐나다 국적의 군인 3명이 사망했다고 밝혔습니다.


Afghan officials say a bomb hidden in a wooden cart killed three police officers and wounded at least five other policemen in the southern city of Kandahar.

Local officials say the attack today (Sunday) targeted a police vehicle. It also wounded at least six civilians.

The French news agency reports that the Taliban is claiming responsibility for the attack.

Today's (Sunday's)explosion is the second in Kandahar province in as many days. On Saturday Canadian officials said three Canadian soldiers were killed when a roadside bomb exploded near their vehicle.

Also Saturday British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called on NATO allies to do more to share the burden of fighting Afghanistan's Taliban insurgents.

During a previously unannounced visit to Afghanistan, Mr. Brown said Britain and the United States should not be the only nations contributing more troops to stem increasing violence.