미국 상원, 자동차 산업 구제 법안 부결 (E)

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Majority Democrats and minority Republicans in the U.S. Senate have failed to reach agreement on a financial rescue plan for the nation's struggling auto industry.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced the talks had collapsed late Thursday night, saying there were too many differences between Democrats and Republicans. Reid called the failure "a great loss for the country."

Republican lawmakers say the talks failed because the union that represents employees, the United Auto Workers, refused to agree to a date to slash wages.

Shortly after Reid announced the talks had failed, the Senate held a procedural vote that effectively killed the legislation. (The vote was 52 to 35, falling short of the 60 votes necessary to move the bill forward.)

The Bush administration issued a statement describing the collapse of the talks as "disappointing." The White House says the bill was the best chance to avoid a "disorderly bankruptcy."

Democrats have been urging the administration to use part of the 700 billion dollar fund aimed at rescuing the nation's financial industry to help the automakers. The White House says the administration is evaluating its options.

General Motors has issued a statement saying it is "deeply disappointed" by the bill's failure. The company says it will assess its options in order to stay in business.