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아시아 개발은행은 11일 발표한 보고서에서 아시아지역 개발도상국들의 내년 경제성장률이 당초 전망치인 7%보다 낮은 6%에 그칠 것으로 전망했습니다.

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Asia was hit with more bad economic news Thursday as the impact of the global economic slowdown spreads throughout the region.

In a newly released report, the Asian Development Bank cut its forecast for regional growth. The (Manila-based)institution says Asia's emerging nations will experience growth of nearly six percent next year, down from its earlier forecast of just over seven percent.

New data from China Thursday, showed that its government revenue slumped more than three percent in November, another sign of a weakening economy.

The Chinese Ministry of Finance says tax cuts, intended to stimulate spending and slumping demand, caused the fall in tax revenue.

South Korea's Central Bank made an unprecedented move Thursday, slashing the country's benchmark seven-day repurchase rate by a record one percentage point.