오바마 당선자, 백악관 예산관리국장 내정 (E)

미국의 바락 오바마 대통령 당선자는 25일 거대한 연방정부 재정을 관리할 당국자를 인선했습니다.

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오바마 당선자는 예산 혁신은 경제가 침체되고 적자가 늘어나는 시기에 대단히 중요하다고 말했습니다.

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President-elect Barack Obama picked an official to manage the huge government budget today (Tuesday).

Mr. Obama named Peter Orszag to head the Office of Management and Budget, and ordered him to scour government spending and save billions of dollars by getting rid of programs that have outlived their usefulness.

The president-elect said budget reform is vital at a time of rising deficits and a slumping economy.

Earlier, Bush Administration officials announced new help for the troubled U.S. housing market, which helped spark the current economic meltdown.

The government will buy up hundreds of billions of dollars in mortgage backed securities in an effort to make more loan money available to prospective home buyers.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the program is also intended to boost faltering consumer spending, with a new loan program to help companies that issue credit cards, make student loans, or finance automobile purchases.