미 보건-식품 관리 중국 방문, 안전문제 논의 (E)

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U.S. officials say two top health officials will travel to China next week to discuss food safety issues and oversee the opening of three offices for U.S. inspectors.

U.S. Health and Human Services said Thursday that the agency's secretary, Mike Leavitt, and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach will make the trip together.

The FDA offices in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai are the agency's first overseas. When the openings were announced last month, Leavitt said they will help protect American consumers as well as China.

In a related development, U.S. regulators on Thursday issued an order for imported food and food products from China to be held until tests show they are free of melamine -- an industrial chemical that has caused at least four infant deaths in China, and sickened thousands more.