G-20, 11월 워싱턴서 경제 위기 논의 (E)

주요 선진 국가들과 주요 시장 경제체제 지도자들은 다음달, 11월 15일 미국 수도 워싱턴에서 열릴 정상회의에 참석해 세계 금융위기 문제를 논의할 예정입니다.

미국 백악관 관계자는 이 회의에 유엔과, 국제통화기금, 그리고 세계은행의 수뇌부도 참석할 예정이라고 밝혔습니다.

회의에 참가할 각국 지도자들은 금융 위기 사태를 해결하기 위해 취해지고 있는 조치들을 검토하고 앞으로의 경제적 난문제를 방지하기 위한 방안들을 논의할 예정입니다.

이 회의에는 소위 G-20으로 불리는 주요 선진국들과 한국, 중국, 인도, 러시아, 브라질과 같은 급성장하는 시장경제 체제, 모두 20개국이 참석할 예정입니다.


Leaders of the major industrialized nations and key emerging market countries are being invited to Washington for a summit November 15th focusing on the global financial crisis. White House officials say the heads of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank are also invited.

A White House spokeswoman (Dana Perino) says leaders are to discuss what is being done to address the current crisis and ways to prevent future economic problems.

The so-called G-20 includes major industrialized nations and key emerging-market countries like China, India, Russia, and Brazil.

Earlier, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the global downturn is likely to cause a recession in Britain and elsewhere.

He spoke as prices were falling sharply on stock markets around the world. Investors appear focused on a flurry of poor corporate profit reports from major companies.

Some key U.S. stock indexes were down almost four percent at one point in today's (Wednesday's)trading. The main European stock indexesclosed down more than four percent, and key indexes in Tokyo and Hong Kong were off more than five percent at the close.

The economic crisis has even slowed China's roaring growth, and the government has announced efforts to help the property market by easing certain taxes and reducing some requirements for buying homes.