반 총장, "금융위기에도 빈곤·질병퇴치 지원 여전"

반기문 유엔 사무총장은 국제 금융위기로 세계의 신뢰도가 추락한다해도, 빈곤과 질병 퇴치를 위한 유엔의 계속적인 노력을 지원하는 국제사회의 결의는 흔들리지 않는다고 말했습니다. 반 사무총장은 유엔 본부에서 현 국제적 금융위기와 관련해 국제사회의 빈곤과, 질병 퇴치 지원이 약화될지 모른다는 우려에 대해 이같이 말했습니다.

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유엔 회원국 정상들은 최근 유엔 총회에서 2015년까지 전세계 빈곤과 질병 감소를 위한 유엔의 목표 달성을 지원하기 위해 1백60억 달러의 원조를 약속한 바 있습니다.

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U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the global financial crisis may have shaken world confidence, but not the international community's resolve to help the United Nations continue working to fight poverty and disease. From United Nation's headquarters in New York, VOA's Margaret Besheer has more.

Mr. Ban said the international community's determination to help what he calls the world's "bottom billion" - those who live on less than $1 a day - has not weakened. During the annual meeting of the U.N. General Assembly that wrapped up last week in New York, member states pledged $16 billion to help the U.N. meet targets of cutting poverty and disease worldwide by 2015.

"Everyone has felt the earthquake on Wall Street," said the U.N. chief. "But it has not shaken our resolve. Banks may be failing, but the world's bottom billion can bank on us."

He said the generosity of these commitments is very encouraging, given the economic climate. "It means the world is not forgetting the needs of the world's poorest people, notwithstanding the prospect of harder times," said Mr. Ban.

In the first of a new monthly series of press conferences, Mr. Ban spoke about the many challenges facing the United Nations - among them, the deteriorating situation in Darfur, the precarious political and military situation in Afghanistan, piracy and instability in Somalia and the effects of climate change.

The U.N. chief said that amid these crises the world must not forget the plight of others and he urged world leaders to honor the monetary pledges they have made. "Grave as it may be, today's financial crisis will be overcome," he said. "We must underline the need for "crisis-proofing" of the important priorities of the United Nations from international financial turbulence."

Mr. Ban said that he held more than 100 bi-lateral meetings with world leaders in the margins of the U.N. General Assembly debate. He said the financial crisis was high on all their agendas. The secretary-general said he hopes leaders of industrialized nations will be able to contain the crisis and find medium and long term measures to resolve it.