부시 대통령, 의회에 구제금융 안 통과 촉구 (E)

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U.S. President George Bush is meeting with presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain at the White House today(Thursday) to discuss a proposed 700-billion dollar rescue plan for the U.S. financial sector.

The rival presidential candidates have already issued a joint statement calling the plan "flawed" but also urging bipartisan cooperation to avoid economic "catastrophe" for the sake of the nation.

Key congressional leaders are also due to attend the White House meeting.

In Wednesday' night's nationally televised address, Mr. Bush urged lawmakers to pass the massive plan, warning that the U.S. economy faces a "long and painful" recession without immediate congressional action.

The bailout plan would allow the government to buy devalued assets from troubled financial firms. Those bad investments have made banks reluctant to lend money, and the lack of credit threatens to stall the economy.

The president said the stock market would drop more, home values would plummet, foreclosures would rise dramatically, more businesses would close and millions of Americans would lose their jobs.