부시 대통령, 팔레스타인 수반·레바논 대통령과 회동

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U.S. President George Bush says he is impressed with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman's efforts to promote national reconciliation to end a bitter political crisis in Lebanon.

Following a meeting with Mr. Suleiman at the White House today (Thursday),President Bush said the United States shares the mission of making Lebanon a strong country where people can live in peace.

President Suleiman has launched a national dialogue aimed at resolving the political divide between Lebanon's ruling coalition and the opposition Hezbollah movement. The United States supports the head of the ruling coalition, Saad Hariri, and considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

Mr. Suleiman thanked the U.S. leader for his efforts to support Lebanon, particularly its military institutions. The United States has committed hundreds of millions of dollars in security assistance to the Lebanese military since 2006.

President Bush also is scheduled to meet today with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for talks on the Middle East peace process.