러시아 외무부, 이란에 핵 관련 추가 제재 반대 (E)

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Russia's foreign ministry says Moscow is opposed to the United Nations taking new measures against Iran for its controversial nuclear program.

The ministry said today (Saturday) that it is necessary to continue efforts to include Tehran in a constructive dialogue to push the negotiating process forward.

On Friday, senior officials from the United States, Russia, France, Britain, China and Germany, failed to reach a consensus on possible new sanctions during a meeting in Washington.

A U.S. State Department spokesman (Robert Wood) said the officials reaffirmed their commitment to a two-pronged approach to Iran. That strategy offers incentives to Iran if it stops enriching uranium, and threatens new sanctions if it does not.

Western countries are concerned Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. Tehran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, like generating electricity.